The World's first Sufi Opera Singer!

Saira Peter, classical vocalist in both eastern and western traditions, composer, fusion music artist, author, philanthropist..


British-Pakistani soprano Saira Peter BSc MSc (Karachi) MA (London) is the world’s first SUFI-OPERA™ singer. 

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What is Sufi-Opera?

Sufi-Opera™ is a new genre of music. It combines elements of both eastern and western classical traditions in one work. 

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Watch and Listen

Find some music videos here or go to Saira’s social media sites to watch videos or stream songs.

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Karachi born British Pakistani Saira Peter is the world’s first Sufi Opera singer. Sufi-Opera is a new genre of music. It combines elements of both eastern and western classical traditions in one work. This was always considered to be impossible. But that was before Saira Peter entered the Arts world and proved it could be done!  She can sing both styles in one continuous breath, allowing them to meld together in one composition.
Saira’s sufi music is informed by the legacy of the Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai from Pakistan, a ‘sufi saint of music’  His poems inspired by Nature, resonated with Saira’s own Christian belief that the intelligence and power of God can be seen in the things He has made. Saira was given the privilege of visiting the saint’s Mausoleum in Bhit Shah.
Saira, like Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai is also convinced that a spiritual life inspired by the Divine is moral, not selfish. It is a life that cares for the poor and works for social justice. Her first Sufi Opera work promotes  the value of female leadership and is based on one of Bhittai’s most popular stories.

What Saira does

Saira  is convinced in the multifaceted power of the Arts to transform lives. By her own lifestyle of self discipline and hard work, she inspires others to pursue personal excellence and to work to relieve the sufferings of vulnerable, underprivileged groups and victims of disasters.

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Saira’s philanthropic leadership brings the world of sufferers to the attention of artists, governments, the media and diverse audiences worldwide. 

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TV Interviews

Saira has been interviewed on many TV channels and an Australian radio show! She served as Chief Judge on Voice of Sindh. She sings for the HUM TV show ‘Nehar’

TV Shows
What the Press Say

From Pakistan to the Middle East, in Urdu, Sindhi, Arabic and English, the media chase after her. She can’t enter her homeland without rapturous greetings at the airport!

Press Coverage

Pakistan is proud of their artist daughter, Saira. She has received awards from various bodies, cultural and academic establishments in UK Pakistan and Turkey.

Awards and Trophies

The Secret of Success

The Creator generously gives gifts and talents to mankind. The secret of a successful life is not measured in external  factors, but by the inner life. Are we living in harmony with who we are made to be?


Artists thrive when music shines a light on what is beautiful, pure, valuable 


Heaven sings with joy  when mankind seeks Him, no matter what.


Saira’s message to everyone is ‘Seek peace and pursue it’. We must make it our passion


Our lives are short, find meaning while there is time. Encourage what is good.

Portfolio of Concert Performances

Saira has performed internationally. She sings western opera, eastern qawwali, ghazal or even ‘pop’. Her versatility encompases many genres. She was dubbed by the press as the originator of a new genre, ‘sufi-opera’. Her audiences comprise of music lovers from diverse backgrounds. Her musical adventures astound everyone as she brings people together in unique song and celebrations

Mistik Muzik Festival, Konya

Saira sings an amazing qawwali she composed herself to celebrate the poetry of sufi mystic, Mawlana Rumi.

Mistik Muzik Festival, Konya

Saira sings Mozart’s Agnus Dei, accompanied on piano by Paul Knight

Mistik Muzik Festival, Konya

Saira performs ‘I know my  Redeemer Liveth at the  sufi music celebration in Turkey, 2021

Mistik Muzik Festival, Konya

Saira Peter performs her original composition of Farsi poetry by Sufi Ghulam Mustafa Tabassum.

Mistik Muzik Festival Konya 

Saira sings ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ at the Mystik Music Festival in 2021.

Shah Latif Peace Fest 16 London

‘Resplendent’, is the first English rendition of  a poem by Pakistan’s sufi saint, Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai.  ‘Tou Habib’ is sung by Saira Peter and Michael Rouse in a duet .

Nehru Centre, London 2015

Saira performs with India’s  percussionist and composer Ustad Taufiq Qureshi 29/April/2015

PNCA Concert Islamabad

Saira performs an amazing rendition of 
‘Koi Na Janey Kab Aye’ to a responsive audience at the National Music Festival, Pakistan National Council of the Arts, Islamabad.

PNCA Concert Islamabad

Pakistan National Council of the Arts. Saira sings ‘Barey Be Murawat Hein’, a tribute to national singing legend, Suraiya Multani.

Memorial Concert, Bhit Shah

Saira addresses the audience. Saira is the International Ambassador and Board member of the Shah Latif Foundation.

NJArts concert, London

Saira is Director of an NJArts London where diverse artists can meet and learn from one another. She promotes the musical development of youth and  connects new generations  of Pakistani youth with their artistic heritage.

Remit Charity Concert, London

Saira astounds the London audience with a rendering of the classical raag ‘Hamsadhwani’, accompanied by Stephen Smith,and Kamal Sabri.

Saira appointed her own Management Team

Saira’s unique talent does not fit into existing artist categories. She is ‘both and’. Multi genre, multi language, multi national, a global person who calls us to celebrate diversity

Zafar P Francis MA EMCA
Artist Manager

Do you sometimes feel everything has an energy of its own?  I am surrounded by creativity.  Saira, my wife, always has new songs for me to work with, every day!

Stephen Smith MA
Promo, Artist Technical supervisor. 

Saira always expects excellence from other professionals,  yet she still practices grace and patience in every thing she does. Her energy is unflagging. 

Rosemary James MA (oxon) MSc MA DIC
Artist Management

Saira’s music is loved in the  Middle East and Gulf States. Her unique ability to sing in both western and eastern style, even in Arabic, is appreciated

Taoufiq Abouzaid  Publicist, North Africa and Middle East 

Saira  can transform your event!

Latest from blog

The autumn is proving to be exceptionally busy already, with loads of new music compositions,, the sound engineer is locked in his office and the artist manager is constantly on the phone!

Sufi Opera taster!

St John’s College Oxford University recently hosted this workshop for the world’s first Sufi OperaTM Click on this post and then click HERE to watch Saira in the workshop for[…]

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Meetings in November!

Saira Peter called on Syed Jamal Shah, Pakistan’s caretaker Minister for National Heritage and Culture, this month to discuss matters pertaining to the global music industry and the promotion of[…]

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Music in October!

NJ Arts Chelsea London presents ‘Cross-border Music’, 7 pm Saturday 21st October 2023. Cheong Li on erhu (a traditional Chinese instrument), British-Pakistani soprano Saira Peter, Tuomo Karjalainen on guitar, Neeraj[…]

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